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Nature Deserves Better - Aarav Modi

Nature surrounds us. We breathe it in, we touch it, we see it and we can hear it. Nature is filled with all sorts of plants or flora with...

Mental Health - Jay Patel

Mental Health is very important, and now more than ever, people should be taking care of their mental health. Now there are so many...

Amazing Astronomy - Riya Patel

Stars, numerous light-years away, yet able to predict and inform us about the geopolitical outlook on human civilization by the pattern...

Laugh Out Loud! - Aarav Modi

They say that laughter is the best medicine and I agree! I like to laugh all the time, whether while watching movies, tv shows, in...

Make a Change - Sreenita Nair

Glaciers and ice sheets melting in Antarctica and temperatures rising globally, the effects of climate change, a natural crisis. Rapid...

All in the Illusions - Riya Patel

You have probably been told to never believe everything you see. As a kid, many people try to trick you into believing the existence of...

The Fight for Justice - Siya Patel

Hey readers! The past couple of days have been nothing short of unforgettable events that will forever change our view of the world....

Taken by Baking - Sreenita Nair

A lot of us have been baking over quarantine to keep ourselves occupied in a tasty and entertaining way. These small treats or...

2020 - Earagan Nimalan

This year has been different. Some people see it as a year to reflect upon while others see it as one of the worst years of humanity. As...

Sleep Deprivation - Jay Patel

Sleep deprivation is a condition or situation where someone lacks sleep. Being sleep deprived is not very good for your health, although...

Power of Music - Earagan Nimalan

Music is sounds, rhythm, melody and other aspects all combined together to create what we call music. To me, Music means the world. To...

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